Radon: You can’t see it. Or smell it. Or taste it. But it’s deadly.

You can’t see radon. Or smell it.  Or taste it.  You can’t tell if there is radon in your home unless you test for it.  Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can build up in your home.  It is one of the leading causes of lung cancer, second only to smoking.

Fortunately, testing your home for radon is a very simple, inexpensive way to protect your family’s health.  If elevated radon levels are found, it is recommended to hire a certified radon mitigation specialist to reduce the level of radon in your home.

It is important to test your home during winter months, when doors and windows have been kept closed.

Older and newer homes should be tested for radon every 3-4 years.

Radon test kits are available through Community Health Partners and at city offices throughout Sioux County.  The cost of the test is $10.  Directions are included in the kit.

For more information, click here, call the American Lung Association of Iowa at 515.309.9507, or email [email protected].

Take a step: Prevent Diabetes Northwest Iowa

It’s a new year and a new chance to prevent diabetes!

Prevent Diabetes Northwest Iowa / Prevent T2 will meet this spring in Rock Valley beginning Monday, February 5 at 5:00 pm. 

Guided by trained lifestyle coaches, participants will learn the skills they need to make lifelong changes.

Participants learn

• to eat healthy

• to add physical activity to their routine

• to manage stress

• to stay motivated

• to solve problems that can get in the way of healthy changes

PreventT2 groups meet for a year — weekly for the first 6 months, then once a month for the second 6 months to maintain healthy lifestyle changes.

The local program will meet at the Hegg Wellness Center conference room from 5-6 pm, on Monday nights beginning February 5, and costs $175.00 with the potential to earn back $75.00 based on group attendance. 

The program is offered by Community Health Partners, Hawarden Regional Healthcare, Hegg Health Center, Orange City Area Health System and Sioux Center Health.

PreventT2 is part of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To participate in the PreventT2 program, call 712.737.2971 or email [email protected]. Click here for registration form.

People are more likely to have prediabetes and type 2 diabetes if they: 

• Are 45 years of age or older

• Are overweight

• Have a family history of type 2 diabetes 

• Are physically active fewer than three times per week OR

• Have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy or gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds 

To be eligible for referral, patients must meet the following requirements:
  • Be at least 18 years old and
  • Be overweight (body mass index ≥25; ≥23 if Asian) and
  • Have no previous diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes and
    • Have a blood test result in the prediabetes range within the past year:Hemoglobin A1C: 5.7%–6.4% or
    • Fasting plasma glucose: 100–125 mg/dL or
    • Two-hour plasma glucose (after a 75 gm glucose load): 140–199 mg/dL or
  • Be previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes
Prediabetes can be diagnosed via oral glucose tolerance tests, fasting blood glucose tests, or an A1C test. Blood-based testing is the most accurate way to determine if a patient has prediabetes.

Register for the Live Healthy Iowa 10-week Wellness Challenge!

Get moving. Get healthy.

It’s time for the Live Healthy Iowa 10-week Wellness Challenge. Sign up to work on activity minutes or weight loss – or both. The challenge is January 22 through March 30.

Participants need to partner with at least one other person, said Angela Kroeze-Visser of Community Health Partners. Teams of two to 10 people track activity minutes and/or weight loss over the 10-week period, through the Live Healthy Iowa website.

Friendly competition among teams is encouraged.

Participants receive access to a personal dashboard to record progress, with the ability to sync apps and devices.

Participants also receive a challenge t-shirt, a one-year magazine subscription, a $10 discount for Live Healthy Iowa 5K events, the chance to win weekly prizes, access to online tools and more.

The registration fee is $22 per person.

Teams should register at livehealthyiowa.org. The group code is LHIsiouxco for teams in Sioux County. Sign up under the code to be able to compete with other Sioux County teams, said Kroeze-Visser.

“Challenges like the 10-week Challenge provide extra motivation to stick with healthy habits,” she said. “Being part of a team can help to motivate you to move more, even in the winter, even when you don’t feel like it!”

Major sponsors of the Wellness Challenge are the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa State University Extension and the Iowa Food & Family Project. For more information, call Community Health Partners, 712.737.2971.

Get flu shots for your family!

Protect your family from the influenza by getting a flu shot for everyone in your home. Community Health Partners has flu shots available at our monthly immunization clinics for children ages 6 months to 18 years who are on Medicaid or are uninsured or underinsured.
Community Health Partners Clinics are scheduled for Tuesdays from 10:30am to 12:30pm and Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:00pm at Community Health Partners, 211 Central Ave SE, Orange City. For more info on immunizations and the clinic schedule, click here.

As a reminder, flu shots are also available for children ages 6 months to 18 years who are on Medicaid or are uninsured or underinsured at any VFC (Vaccines for Children) provider in the county, including Promise Community Health Center, Sioux Center Medical Clinic, Hull Medical Clinic, Hegg Medical Clinic, and Hawarden Medical Clinic. If you have any questions about where you can get a flu shot, call Community Health Partners at 712-737-2971.

Phone your medical provider for information on available flu clinics, or check the Community Health Partners Facebook page. Click here for a list of local medical clinics and centers offering immunizations.

To print a poster, click a link below:

CHP 11×17-CHP-flu3 poster

CHP flu-8.5×11-2017 poster





Walk more. Connect more. Join local walks Oct 4!

It’s time to walk!

According to the 2016 Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index®, Iowa is #19 in the nation when it comes to being physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Our ranking has moved since the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative was announced, but our overall well-being score has been fairly constant the past five years.

To claim the #1 spot, we have work to do. It’s an ambitious goal, but with your help, we can change Iowa and show the rest of the nation the road to wellness.

Sioux County is joining the state of Iowa in walking, and inviting friends and acquaintances to join us. After all, it’s one of the most important steps that people of all ages and abilities can take to improve their health.

October 4 is the day. Come! Invite others! Make our communities the healthiest in Iowa and the nation.

— Healthy Sioux County Walks: Wednesday, Oct 4, three walks: 6:25am, 12 noon and 4:30pm. Meet at Orange City’s Windmill Park.

— Hull Community Walk: Wednesday, Oct 4 at 1:00pm. Meet at Hesla Field on Okey Street in Hull.

— Sioux Center Health Walk: Wednesday, Oct 4 at 1:30pm. Meet at Sioux Center Children’s Park and walk on the trail.

— Promise Community Health Center Walk: Wednesday, Oct 4 at 12:15pm. Meet at Promise Health Center in Sioux Center.

For more info, see iowahealthieststate.com

Urgent notice to parents of 7th and 12th graders for fall 2017

New for 2017-18 school year!

The meningitis vaccine is a NEW REQUIREMENT by the Iowa Department of Public Health for the start of the 2017-2018 school year for 7th and 12th grade students.

• All students entering 7th grade must have the meningitis vaccine AND a Tdap booster.

• All students entering 12th grade must have the meningitis vaccine. Those who had the meningitis shot before age 16 will need a booster before 12th grade. Students who have not had these vaccines will not be able to start school in the fall.

What to do:

• Call your vaccine provider to see if your child is due

• Schedule a visit if necessary to get the vaccinations

• Bring an updated Iowa Certificate of Immunization from your provider to your child’s school during registration

Where can I go for vaccinations?

• If your child has health insurance that covers immunizations (including hawk-i), s/he should get shots at your medical provider

• If your child has health insurance that does not cover any immunizations, s/he should get shots at Community Health Partners or Promise Community Health Center

• If your child is on Medicaid, s/he should get shots at Community Health Partners or at one of the following medical clinics (please note a fee may be charged at the medical clinics, call ahead for details): Hawarden Regional Healthcare Clinic, Hegg Memorial Medical Clinic, Hull Medical Clinic, Promise Community Health Center and Sioux Center Medical Clinic

• If your child has no health insurance, s/he should get shots at Community Health Partners on a donation basis, or at one of the following medical clinics (please note a fee may be charged at the medical clinics, call ahead for details): Hawarden Regional Healthcare Clinic, Hegg Memorial Medical Clinic, Hull Medical Clinic, Promise Community Health Center and Sioux Center Medical Clinic

About Meningococcal Disease:

• Causes bacterial meningitis and other serious diseases

• Comes on quickly and without warning

• Can result in death or long-term disability

• Teens and young adults are at greater risk

For questions or additional information, contact:

Community Health Partners of Sioux County

Teri Bos, RN, BSN

Sarah Van Wyk RN, BSN

Phone – 712.737.2971 or 1.800.435.3454

Email – [email protected]

Website – www.siouxcountychp.org





Radon: Test and Fix to Save a Life

Radon: Test and Fix to Save a Life.

You can’t see radon. Or smell it. Or taste it. You can’t tell if there is radon in your home unless you test for it. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can accumulate in your home and cause lung cancer.

Fortunately, testing your home for radon is a very simple, inexpensive way to protect your family’s health. If elevated radon levels are found, hire a certified radon mitigation specialist to reduce the level of radon in your home.

It is important to test your home during winter months, when the concentration of radon is the highest.
Everyone should test their home for radon every 3-4 years.

Radon from the soil enters a home through cracks and openings in the foundation and basement floor. Both old and new homes are at risk. Older homes have more cracking in the foundation and flooring. New homes are built to be energy efficient, which keeps the radon trapped inside.

Radon levels vary around the country, but in Iowa radon levels are especially high.
• An estimated 400 deaths per year in Iowa are caused by radon-induced lung cancer, about the same number of annual death as seen in Iowa for traffic fatalities.
• Iowa leads the nation in the percent of homes with high radon levels.
• EPA surveys in Iowa have found that 7 in 10 homes in Iowa contain high radon concentrations.
• The average indoor radon concentration in Iowa is more than six times the national average.

Radon test kits are available through Community Health Partners and at city offices throughout Sioux County. The cost of the test is $10. Directions are included in the kit. Results and follow up recommendations are mailed directly to your home or are available online. More information for homeowners as well as a list of certified radon mitigation specialists in Iowa can be found at www.idph.iowa.gov/radon/fix.

For more information, contact Community Health Partners at 712.737.2971/800.435.3454, or visit www.siouxcountychp.org

Radon: Test and Fix to Save a Life.

For questions or additional information, contact:

Community Health Partners of Sioux County
Deb VanderPlas, RN, BSN, CPH

Phone – 712.737.2971 or 1.800.435.3454
Email – [email protected]
Website – www.siouxcountychp.org

Spread Holiday Cheer!

This Holiday Season, Community Health Partners would like to encourage you to spread holiday cheer, not the flu!   Get a flu shot!   Wash your hands!   Stay home when you are sick!
