It’s time to walk!

According to the 2016 Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index®, Iowa is #19 in the nation when it comes to being physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Our ranking has moved since the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative was announced, but our overall well-being score has been fairly constant the past five years.

To claim the #1 spot, we have work to do. It’s an ambitious goal, but with your help, we can change Iowa and show the rest of the nation the road to wellness.

Sioux County is joining the state of Iowa in walking, and inviting friends and acquaintances to join us. After all, it’s one of the most important steps that people of all ages and abilities can take to improve their health.

October 4 is the day. Come! Invite others! Make our communities the healthiest in Iowa and the nation.

— Healthy Sioux County Walks: Wednesday, Oct 4, three walks: 6:25am, 12 noon and 4:30pm. Meet at Orange City’s Windmill Park.

— Hull Community Walk: Wednesday, Oct 4 at 1:00pm. Meet at Hesla Field on Okey Street in Hull.

— Sioux Center Health Walk: Wednesday, Oct 4 at 1:30pm. Meet at Sioux Center Children’s Park and walk on the trail.

— Promise Community Health Center Walk: Wednesday, Oct 4 at 12:15pm. Meet at Promise Health Center in Sioux Center.

For more info, see