Si esta enfermo, prevenga la propagacion del COVID-19
Pruebas de Vigilancia
Recientemente hicieron más de 400 pruebas en dos lugares en el noroeste de Iowa después de que una empresa local pidiera ayuda de pruebas para prevenir, detectar y mitigar la propagación del COVID-19. Este proceso se llama prueba de vigilancia, y puede detectar el virus incluso en la gente sin síntomas. Muchos que contraten el COVID-19 no tendrán síntomas o tendrán síntomas leves o moderados y puede que no sepan que estén enfermos.
Las pruebas de vigilancia ayudan en identificar estos individuos para que puedan aislarse, y los empleadores los puedan excluir del trabajo y desinfectar los lugares de trabajo.
Hacer las pruebas de vigilancia seleccionadas en una empresa donde hay casos confirmados y la gente se han expuesto aumenta el número de casos positivos en el condado Sioux, pero no es la razón exclusiva por la cual el número haya aumentado. Se reporten los resultados positivos basado en el condado donde vive el individuo. Al hacer más pruebas—por TestIowa, pruebas de vigilancia, y los proveedores de atención médica—esperamos ver más casos positivos en Iowa y en Sioux County.
El Departamento de salud pública de Iowa (IDPH, por sus siglas en inglés) solamente puede compartir el nombre de una empresa si deciden que un brote ocurrió en aquel lugar y si el director médico del estado decide que sea necesario compartir la información para proteger la salud del pueblo.
Preguntas adicionales que tienen que ver con las pruebas de vigilancia se deben dirigir a Amy McCoy en el Departamento de salud pública de Iowa: [email protected]
El IDPH y Community Health Partners todavía recomiendan que todos sigan usando las medidas del distanciamiento social:
- Quedarse en casa si usted o alguien en casa tiene algún síntoma de enfermedad
- Mantener 6 pies de distancia entre usted y los demás
- Lavarse las manos con frecuencia
- Limpiar y desinfectar las superficies que se tocan mucho
Llevar una mascarilla de tela si está fuera de casa y no puede mantener 6 pies de distancia entre usted y los demás
COVID-19 Symptoms and Case Count Update
Beginning today, CHP will use the Iowa Department of Public Health’s counts and reporting timeframes for Sioux County positive COVID-19 cases. Please continue to check the website and dashboard for the latest data published by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Sioux County Positive Covid-19 Case Count (source:
Today – 103
Yesterday – 100
As restrictions on activities are lifted please remember if you 65 or older or have underlying health conditions that place you at increased risk for contracting COVID-19 continue to stay at home as much as possible and leave only for essential services.
People may have no symptoms and still test positive, so it is important to continue to follow the social distancing guidelines:
- Stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
- Maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
- Clean your hands often
- Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
- Wear a cloth facemask if you are out in public and cannot maintain a 6 foot distance from others.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please stay home and contact your health care provider for guidance:
- Fever
- Chills
- Muscle aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea/nausea/vomiting
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:
News Release
4 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County
3 adults (18-40)
1 adult (41-60)
The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 96
Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*Stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*Maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*Clean your hands often
*Cover your coughs and sneezes
*Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
*Wear a cloth facemask if you are out in public and cannot maintain a 6 foot distance from others.
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:
6 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County
2 children (0-17)
2 adults (18-40)
2 adults (61-80)
The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 92
Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*Stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*Maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*Clean your hands often
*Cover your coughs and sneezes
*Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
*Wear a cloth facemask if you are out in public and cannot maintain a 6 foot distance from others.
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:
6 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County
3 adults (18-40)
3 adults (41-60)
The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 86
*Yesterday’s case count included 1 individual (18-40) who was a duplicate case. Total case count 5/9 was 80, not 81.
Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*Stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*Maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*Clean your hands often
*Cover your coughs and sneezes
*Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
*Wear a cloth facemask if you are out in public and cannot maintain a 6 foot distance from others.
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:
40 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County
1 child (0-17)
28 adults (18-40)
9 adult (41-60)
2 adults (61-80)
The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 81
Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:
10 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County
1 child (0-17)
4 adults (18-40)
2 adult (41-60)
3 adults (61-80)
The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 41
Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:
3 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County
1 child (0-18)
2 adults (19-40)
The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 31
Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see: