3 Additional COVID-19 case(s) in Sioux County

1 adult (19-40)
2 adults (41-60)

The individual(s) are in isolation.
Sioux County total positive cases: 28

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*maintain a distance of 6 feet from others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

 For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

Additional COVID-19 cases in Sioux County

1 child (0-18)

1 adult (19-40)

The individuals are in isolation.


Sioux County total positive cases: 25


Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:

*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness

*maintain a distance of 6 feet from others

*clean your hands often

*cover your coughs and sneezes

*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces


For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

Additional COVID-19 cases in Sioux County

3 adults (19-40)
The individuals are in isolation.

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*avoid close contact with others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

 For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

8 Additional COVID-19 cases in Sioux County

2 Children (0-18)
5 adults (19-40)
1 adults (41-60 years)
The individuals are in isolation.

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*avoid close contact with others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

Joint Provider Statement

1 de mayo, 2020

En acuerdo con la declaración reciente de la Gobernadora Reynolds que recude ciertas restricciones en ciertos condados, esta semana algunos negocios y organizaciones en Iowa empiezan el proceso de abrir de nuevo, y es importante continuar con la práctica de distanciamiento social seguro y continuar con las medidas higiénicas para ralentizar la propagación del coronavirus en nuestro condado.

Se prohíban todavía la mayoría de las reuniones con más de 10 personas. Los restaurantes, tiendas de compras, y gimnasios pueden abrir con medidas estrictas. Algunas iglesias decidirán volver a abrirse para cultos en persona, mientras otras decidirán mantener las puertas cerradas a los congregantes por el momento.

Las medidas del distanciamiento social incluyen quedarse en casa lo más posible, salir solamente para recados esenciales y limitar el viaje a áreas con un alto número de casos positivos del COVID-19 (Sioux City, Sioux Falls, y Worthington). Fuera de casa, siga manteniendo seis pies de distancia o más entre usted y la gente que no vive en tu casa. Los individuos de alto riesgo (con más de 65 años de edad o con enfermedades subyacentes) todavía deben quedarse en casa lo más posible.

Lavarse las manos, cubrirse la tos y los estornudos, y desinfectar superficies todavía son maneras importantes de parar la propagación del virus.

Si se siente enfermo o tiene síntomas como tos, fiebre, falta de aire, o dolores de cuerpo, aíslese y comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica para instrucciones.

Se esperan que el número de casos positivos del COVID-19 en el condado Sioux suba dado que sitios de Test Iowa abren y hacen más pruebas al nivel local y por todo el estado. Tenga confianza que seguimos unidos en los esfuerzos y estamos preparados a responder a la pandemia de COVID-19 mientras evolucione, y estamos listos para cuidar a los que servimos.


Community Health Partners
Sioux County Board of Health
Sioux County Emergency Management
Hawarden Regional Healthcare
Hegg Health Center
Orange City Area Health System
Sioux Center Health

Additional COVID-19 case in Sioux County

1 adult  (41-60 years)
The individual is in isolation.

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*avoid close contact with others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

Joint Statement to Sioux County Communities Regarding COVID-19

As some businesses and organizations in Iowa begin to re-open this week – per Governor Reynolds’ recent proclamation loosening certain restrictions in select counties – it is important to continue to practice safe social distancing and hygiene measures to slow the spread of coronavirus in our county.

Mass gatherings over 10 people remain largely prohibited. Restaurants, retail stores, and gyms are allowed to open with strict measures in place. Some churches will elect to re-open for in-person services, while others will choose to remain closed to parishioners at this time.

Social distancing measures include staying home as much as possible, leaving only for essential errands and limiting travel to areas with a high number of positive COVID-19 cases (Sioux City, Sioux Falls, and Worthington). When outside the home, continue to keep a distance of six feet or more from people outside your immediate family. High-risk individuals (over age 65 or with underlying health conditions) should continue to stay at home as much as possible.

Handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and disinfecting surfaces also remain important ways to stop the spread of the virus.

If you feel ill or are experiencing symptoms such as a cough, fever, shortness of breath, or body aches, isolate yourself and contact your healthcare provider for instructions.

The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Sioux County is expected to increase as Test Iowa sites open and more testing is conducted locally and across the state. Be assured we all remain united in our efforts and are prepared to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic as it continues to evolve, and are ready to care for those we serve.

Community Health Partners
Sioux County Board of Health
Sioux County Emergency Management
Hawarden Regional Healthcare
Hegg Health Center
Orange City Area Health System
Sioux Center Health

Additional COVID-19 case in Sioux County

1 adult  (41-60 years)
The individual is in isolation.

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*avoid close contact with others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

 For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

Additional COVID-19 cases in Sioux County

2 adult(s) (19-40 years) and (61-80 years)
The individuals are in isolation.

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*avoid close contact with others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

 For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention

Additional COVID-19 case in Sioux County

1 adult (19-40 years)
The individual is in isolation.

Take these steps to prevent the spread to yourself and others:
*stay home if you or anyone in your home has any symptoms of illness
*avoid close contact with others
*clean your hands often
*cover your coughs and sneezes
*clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

For more COVID-19 prevention information including case counts in Iowa see:  https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#prevention