Lead Paint Poisoning Prevention Program

Community Health Partners is the lead agency in a five-county lead poisoning prevention coalition.  The coalition works to reduce childhood lead poisoning by encouraging routine lead testing in children, making home visits to children with high lead levels, and inspecting and remediating the residences of lead-poisoned children.

Click here for more information about lead poisoning.

For information about the lead coalition contact Community Health Partners by emailing [email protected] or calling 712-737-2971 or 800-435-3454.

Community Health Partners is only authorized to do lead inspections under the direction of the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services in homes of children with blood lead levels that are confirmed to be high.   If you would like your home tested, a list of commercial lead inspectors is available from the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing here.

The Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund can provide financial assistance to owner-occupied households who need lead hazard reduction activities done to their homes. Please see the links for more information and application for financial assistance.

NWI Housing Trust Fund–Financial Assistance for Repairs

NWI Housing program & income limits

Look here under Resource Center for Housing Application for financial assistance.

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