Iowa Healthiest State Walk

Healthiest State Walk BC Prevention

Community Health Partners, the public health provider for Sioux County, and the Coalition for a Healthy Sioux County, invite everyone to join in the 5th annual statewide Healthiest State Walk on October 7. Community Health Partners is using the statewide walk to kick off October’s breast cancer awareness month activities. Regular physical activity is linked to better health outcomes, including lower rates of breast cancer.

Fewer than 50% of Americans meet the minimum guidelines for moderate physical activity – walking is the easiest and most affordable way to correct this problem. Walking can also help prevent the onset and recurrence of breast cancer. Continue reading “Iowa Healthiest State Walk”

E-Cigarettes and Businesses

Should businesses be concerned about e-cigarette use in their facilities?

Since the Iowa SmokeFree Air Act was passed in 2008, there has been much effort to maintain clean air for every Iowan. The use of e-cigarettes in public places and workplaces may complicate the efforts to enforce smoke free laws. Since secondhand vapor has not been evaluated, the American Lung Association supports including e-cigarettes under smoke free laws.

What can I do to keep my business smoke free?

Do not allow e-cigarette use. It is legal to prohibit the use of e-cigarettes in your facilities/businesses. This would simplify enforcement efforts. Businesses can modify an existing smoke free or tobacco free policy to include e-cigarettes and the like.

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